Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Flickr #1

First off, let me state that my flickrname is rcoleman5.

There are 6 main different types of licenseing for Flickr: Attribution, Attribution-ShareAlike, Attribution-NoDerivs, Attribution- NonCommercial, Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike, and Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs.

The Attribution license lets people take your work use it (privately or commercially) and even change it as long as they give you credit for it.
The Attribution-ShareAlike license is basically like the Attribution license but the person using your work must both credit you and license their new creation.
The Attribution-NoDerivs license lets people take your work and pass it around as long as it is not changed and you are given credit for it.
The Attribution-NonCommercial license this license lets people use your work and change it as long as it is not commercially and they credit you. They do not have to get a license for their new work.
The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license this lets people use your work and change it as long as it is not commericially used and they have to both give you proper credit and licensce their new work.
The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license lets people download your work and share it but cannot change it or use it commercially and proper credit must be given to you.

Computer Mess, a photo by phil_g on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
By Phil! Gold

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